iOS Set up verification codes using 1Password

Community Member

I was wondering how use the Set up verification codes using 1Password.
In the Passwort Options I selected 1 Password. But what now?

Where and how would the prompt for TOTP Code be used?

I set up 2FA with iPhone a few times now, but always manually.

Would love get a quick, "here is how" if possible.

Tried to search in the tutorials and forums a bit, but didn't find that.


  • Hey there @ogamingSCV

    If you open the Camera app and point it at a QR code containing a two-factor authentication secret, you'll get the option to open 1Password and choose an item.

    I wrote up how this works here with a couple of screenshots:

    It's just another way to get that two-factor authentication secret into 1Password, and it doesn't replace any of the existing methods:

    • clicking 1Password in the toolbar of your browser, then ⋮ > Scan QR code
    • clicking the scanner button in the one-time password field of an item in the main 1Password app
    • manually copying and pasting the secret (as text) into the one-time password field in the main 1Password app

    I hope that helps. Let me know if you have any questions. :)

    — Grey

  • ogamingSCV
    Community Member

    Oh that's wonderful! Thank you for the info.
    Makes sense when I think about it.

    Thank you!

  • @ogamingSCV

    You're welcome! We'll be here if you need anything.

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