Password Generation

Community Member
edited September 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

Is there a way to generate a new password without starting the process of creating a new login?

1Password Version: 8.10.8
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 13.5
Browser: Not Provided


  • Dave_1P
    edited August 2023

    Hello @mcewanbr! πŸ‘‹

    1Password in the browser has a standalone password generator: Create a custom password

    But, generally, the idea is that you'll save all of your passwords in 1Password so the workflow in the 1Password for Mac app incorporates both the generation of passwords and the saving of them so that you don't have to do both steps separately with the insecurity of a middle-step of copying generated passwords to your clipboard just so that you can paste them back into 1Password.

    I hope that helps. πŸ™‚


  • mcewanbr
    Community Member

    It would be nice to have a separate password generator in the app. This is useful for command line work and encrypting zip files etc... Where you won't be keeping the password for yourself.

  • James001
    Community Member

    Hi Support,

    Feature Request:

    Im also wishing there was a standalone password generator.
    (I usually use the mac app).

    Im a developer and generate passwords a lot. Most i don't need to save in my 1Password account.
    Or if i do they end up in a 1Password notes file temporarily.

    I still use the LastPass password generator ( because it lets me customise the length, and turn symbols on and off. The length field is very useful

    I would rather use your app.
    I've recently moved from LastPass and this is the only feature I have found that seems to be missing


  • Thank you both for the feedback, I've passed along your requests to our Product team. πŸ™‚


    We have a web-based password generator here:


    ref: 34665358
    ref: 34665400

  • fix2k5
    Community Member

    +1 to feature request.

    I decided to give v8 one more try and was quite disappointed that this simple feature (as it was in v7) is still not implemented in macos v8.

    1P in the browser is constantly asking for access (why?) and it is not convenient to open browser every time i need to generate new password.


  • @fix2k5

    Can you clarify the request for access portion?

  • fix2k5
    Community Member

    Ive already uninstalled but in safari when i opened 1p extension it asked for permission to access browsing history and more for specific site(s). With options to allow for x time, always, deny and something more.

  • @fix2k5

    We need that permission to perform the following on your behalf.

    • The ability to scan (read) the page HTML to determine if it’s fillable. This also tells us where/when to inject the inline menu.

    • The ability to autofill (write) to the site. While performing an autofill, it effectively changes the HTML. When you submit the autofill, it will allow you to authenticate it properly.

    This requests are Apples way of ensuring you know what permissions an app/extension has and uses. It's another way they are working to ensure your privacy.

  • johnmahoney
    Community Member

    I guess this a feature request.

    I also want to generate a new password within the iOS app - without using the web-based password generator

    Though the web-based generator does work.

  • Hey @johnmahoney,

    I have put in a request with our product team on your behalf.

    Let us know if there is anything else we can help with!

    ref: PB35940508

  • pandysp
    Community Member

    Please add a password generator to the macos and ios app. The current workarounds (web-based generator, browser extension generator, create a new login item) are all breaking the flow.

  • Hey @pandysp,

    I'd be happy to pass your request on to the team. Can you describe your workflow to me and why you would find it particularly useful to be able to access the password generator within the apps so I can pass your specific use case on?

    Any detail you can provide on that front will add extra weight to your feedback.

    Thank you!

  • ravensorb
    Community Member

    I'll add a +1 to this. Would be great to see this in the main app and in the cli as well

  • Hey @ravensorb, I've passed your feedback to our product team. Thank you!


  • Xevian
    Community Member

    +1 to this request. It will be great a key combination for example CTRL+SHIFT+G (or customizable) to open a Password Generator stand alone window, without browser. I'm working on IT and could be very helpfull with random password creation everyday.

  • Hi @Xevian,

    Thanks for your feedback. I've gone ahead and passed along this request to the team.


  • caitlinflywheel
    Community Member

    Hi team,
    I also have a related feature request. I would LOVE to be able to upload a .CSV of user accounts and URLs, then have 1Password's import tool generate passwords for them at the same time. Alternatively, it would work to be able to generate a quantity of passwords at once from the web generator so I can copy/paste it from the browser into a .CSV sheet column, or export a .CSV to copy/paste to my master file for upload. Generating 1 password at a time for this purpose is not efficient.

    Context: I'm doing a user account migration where I can't sync our directory over to the new service and have to create a lot of temporary passwords for existing email addresses...while I may not need this functionality often in the future, it would be very handy. It's a bulk upload function that also does not have temporary password generation built in.

    In all honesty I could submit this request with the service provider (very commonly used software, trying not to name names but I suspect you may know who I'm referencing) we're migrating these accounts to, but I fully expect it would be more likely to be addressed by your team sooner. Their enhancement decision/release process is pretty slow.