Passkey/"hardware key" not working on Namecheap

Community Member
edited February 5 in 1Password in the Browser

Hi, I'm configuring several of my services to use Passkeys, and Namecheap is the only one that hasn't worked, it's scary to see that it won't work (luckily I have recovery codes).
The Passkey enrollment process works without problems, but when testing the authentication, the Namecheap site asks for the key, the beta extension shows the popup and I click on the new "Sing in" button, but the namecheap page stays validating the process for several seconds until it says that there is an error.

1Password Version: 8.10.9
Extension Version: 2.14.2
OS Version: macos 13.3.1
Browser: Firefox, Edge


  • RyanR242
    Community Member

    Same issue here and it continues to happen.

  • Hello @janrex and @RyanR242,

    @janrex I’m sorry for the delayed response. We’ll work harder so that we can make sure that we avoid missing threads like this.

    I can confirm that being unable to sign in to NameCheap using a saved passkey is a known issue. I’m sorry for the inconvenience and confusion that the issue has caused.

    Our developers are currently testing a fix for the issue in the nightly version. If testing goes well then we hope to release the fix in an update to the beta and then stable version of 1Password in the browser as soon as possible. Please keep an eye on our release notes


    ref: dev/core/core#22462

  • RyanR242
    Community Member


  • @RyanR242

    Thanks again for reporting the issue.
