Firefox browser extension conflict mess


I mostly love 1Password app, but FREQUENTLY find myself frustrated and annoyed with the browser integration. Almost to the point of want to give up with 1Password!

Let's say a website is prompting me to fill in my email address.
Over time I have entered different email addresses.

When I enter the email field and start typing, Firefox shows me a list of possible matches (great) ... however. when I press the down arrow, 1Password pops up and annoyingly gets in the way of the Firefox list.

The ONLY time I want 1Password to show me anything is if I click the 1Password icon in the email field. This should be a simple toggle. However it seems I have to have the annoying conflict of lists or I totally disable 1Password.

How can this be good?

1Password Version: 8.10.9
Extension Version: 2.13
OS Version: macOS latest
Browser: Firefox


  • Hello @mtissington! 👋

    I'm sorry for the frustration. You can turn off the autofill menu from appearing when you click on a username or password field by following these steps:

    1. Open Firefox.
    2. Right-click on the 1Password icon in Firefox's toolbar and click Settings.
    3. Click Autofill.
    4. Turn off "Show autofill menu on field focus".

    Now the autofill menu will only appear if you click on the 1Password icon in a username or password field. I hope that helps!


  • mtissington
    Community Member

    Hmm, that is already off - however I'm not talking about "on field focus" on talking about pressing the down arrow.

  • @mtissington

    Thank you for clarifying and I'm sorry for misunderstanding. I see that this is a known issue and an internal work item has been filed with our development team to see if we can improve this behaviour in the future. I've added your report there.

    Here's a potential workaround that might help: if you press the up arrow (not the down arrow) then are you able to scroll through and select an email address suggested by Firefox without triggering 1Password's autofill menu?


    ref: dev/core/core#21447

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