"Press the 1password icon in your browser toolbar to unlock" message



  • smithers197
    Community Member

    I am on 1Password for Mac 8.10.9 (81009046) and I am seeing this same issue - is the fix to switch to a Beta channel or is a fix in the pipeline? This has been an issue for about a week now.

  • smithers197
    Community Member

    Resolved myself, removed the extension and re-added it with a number of browser restarts in between

  • Hello @smithers197! 👋

    I'm happy to hear that you were able to resolve the issue and I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused.

    Let me know if you see the issue again in the future and we can dig deeper. 🙂


  • whatever12
    Community Member

    I experience the same issue, tried reinstalling 1password app + browser extension + Macbook restart.
    1Password for Mac 8.10.13 (81013005)
    1Password in the browser 2.14.1
    MacOS Ventura 13.5.1 (22G90)

    My observations are that the "Press the 1password icon" message only appears when I close the app using close button or Cmd+W/Cmd+Q shortcuts. If the app is running (even if locked), the "Press the 1password icon" message does not appear.
    So it seems to be related to the background app helper.

  • whatever12
    Community Member

    Screen recording complementing the my previous comment: https://we.tl/t-GdneOBsBFi

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