Unable to quit full screen mode when using 1Password for Windows

This discussion was created from comments split from: Settings window in Mac Full Screen Mode.


  • phpruitthlf
    Community Member

    I have Windows and my 1Password is now taking up the whole screen. I can't make it smaller by pushing the button at the top of the screen or using arrows to pull it in. We have uninstalled it and I have, of course, restarted. Please help. It is usable, but very annoying.

  • ag_mike_d
    edited September 2023

    Hello @phpruitthlf,

    Thanks for your message and sorry you encountered some troubles.

    Could you try using F11 to see if this help toggle out of full screen mode? Let us know how you make out.

    Full screen mode with 1Password doesn't work the same as we don't use a traditional title bar that disappears in this mode. 1Password's title bar isn't hidden because of other features such as Search and the New Item (Ctrl + N) button that appear there.

    We're looking at ways to improve this behaviour or perhaps how to make it more obvious that 1Password is in full screen mode if F11 is pressed accidentally. I've included your details in our tracked issue and appreciate your report!

    If you need further assistance, please let us know.

    ref: dev/core/core#15434

This discussion has been closed.