(400) Bad Request: The structure of request was invalid op document get
I'm trying to get a document saved in our 1password account on our CI in Xcode Cloud.
I got the service token which works perfectly locally but whenever it tries to execute op document get Config.zip --out-file=Config.zip
fails with this error (400) Bad Request: The structure of request was invalid.
This is how the token is set before trying to download the doc export OP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN=1PASSWORD_TOKEN
Any idea why that might happen?
Thank you,
Full script here
Install homebrew
set -e
export RN_DIR=${PWD}/../../
export RN_IOS_DIR=${PWD}/../
export BREW_DIR=${CI_DERIVED_DATA_PATH}/opt/hombrew
echo "*** Date: $(date)"
echo "*** Running post clone script in: ${PWD}. RootDir = ${ROOT_DIR}"
echo "*** Running RN_DIR ${RN_DIR}"
echo "*** Running RN_IOS_DIR ${RN_IOS_DIR}"
echo "*** Running BREW_DIR ${BREW_DIR}"
mkdir -p ${BREW_DIR}
export PATH=${BREW_DIR}/bin:${PATH}
cd ${BREW_DIR}
if [[ ! -e "${BREW_DIR}/bin/homebrew" ]]
echo "*** Installing home brew"
curl -L https://github.com/Homebrew/brew/tarball/master | tar xz --strip 1
echo "*** Brew already installed. using $(command -v brew)"
echo "*** PATH: ${PATH}"
cd ${ROOT_DIR}
which brew
Install 1password cli
brew install 1password-cli
ls /Users/local/Homebrew/bin
Print installed version
echo "Installed 1password-cli version $(command op --version)"
Authenticate to 1password
Download document
op document get Config.zip --out-file=Config.zip
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: 2.21.0
OS Version: macOS Sonoma 14RC
Browser: Not Provided