How to use a YubiKey with the passkey prompt?

Community Member
edited September 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

Normally when I log into Github, after entering my password the next step is to activate a YubiKey to finish the login process. Starting a few days ago, when the "activate your security key" screen appears, there's a pop-up window in the top right corner from 1Password, asking if I want to use a Passkey. I don't have a passkey for Github, so I click the "X" in the top right corner of this pop-up, and immediately Github stops waiting for me to tap the Yubikey and fails the authentication.

Is there a setting to make 1Password NOT keep asking if I want to create a passkey like this?

(And yes, I'm still using 1Password 7.x because I can't stand the UI changes from 7 to 8 ... it reminds me of moving from windows 2000 to windows xp back in the day - sssooooooo much unnecessary shiny candy coating).

1Password Version: 7.9.11 (70911001)
Extension Version: 2.15.1
OS Version: macOS 13.5.2
Browser: Brave


  • Dave_1P
    edited September 2023

    Hello @KG4ZOW! 👋

    I'm sorry for the confusion. If you need to use a security key on a website when 1Password offers to sign in with a passkey, click the the security key icon button to use your security key:


    I hope that helps! 🙂


  • KG4ZOW
    Community Member

    I'll look for that the next time it happens.

    But from a "pure UI" standpoint, I'll just say that a "use physical security key" button SHOULD BE just as obvious as any other choice in the dialog. Having a little tiny icon that, to these old eyes looks like a highlighter or a marker pen, and has no label to explain what it is (compare to the big purple "Sign in" button in your screenshot), kinda seems like it's trying to push users to use one specific choice over another.

  • Thank you for your feedback @KG4ZOW, I see what you are saying.

    I have passed this on to the team for consideration in future updates, let us know if there is anything else we can help with in the meantime.

    ref: PB35845725

  • pauled23
    Community Member

    Is there a way to not ask for a passkey and just default to physical security key by sub-domain? If not, I would ask that feature be added.

    I use a physical security key on work websites. The parent domain does support passkeys but not the internal-only subdomains.

  • baggend
    Community Member

    Seconding this suggestion. Since we can store a choice like "Use Google to log in" for a domain, we should also be able to select "Use hardware key named 'Foo'" for a domain as well in case we don't want a 1Password passkey for that particular site.

  • Hey @pauled23, @baggend,

    I am sorry for the delayed response.

    I have passed your suggestions on to our product team. Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback!

    ref: PB36060864
    ref: PB36060959

  • tagleader
    Community Member

    third for this suggestion. My company uses Yubikey for most logins, which is designed to make MFA much quicker. But 1Pass inserts itself into the process and adds 1-2 more steps to this - I have to click the 1password popup dongle icon to make it go away. Please make it stop for particular domains that can be set.

  • Hey @tagleader, I've passed your feedback to the product team. Thank you for sharing!