Deleted 'Secret Key' from my 1password database

Community Member
edited September 2023 in Windows

Hello everyone,

In my 1password database, I deleted the initial entry to log into (including the 'Secret Key').
Now I have re-created the Item, but I don't know how to put the 'Secret Key' field back in, allowing it to auto-fill on

How can I re-create the entry for

I DID *NOT* ACTUALLY LOSE MY 'SECRET KEY'. My 'Emergency Sheet' is saved offline. I only want to re-create the associated entry in the 1password database.

1Password Version: 8.10.16
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Browser: Not Provided


  • Hey @fernando91, thanks for reaching out.

    You should be able to create a password field and manually rename the field to secret key.

    Let me how that goes!


  • fernando91
    Community Member
    edited September 2023


    Thank you, creating the 'Secret Key' field actually did work.

    The only other issue I see is that the 'Secret Key' is shown in plaintext instead of as ***** asterisks.
    Is there some way to block it out, or is this field normally shown in plaintext?

    Edit: Creating a Text field and renaming it to 'Secret Key' does work, but the text isn't hidden. But creating a Password field and renaming it does not work. It doesn't autofill on

  • Hey @fernando91,

    Thanks for your reply. You may actually be able to restore the previous version of the item prior to the deletion of the Secret Key field. Sign in to your account on and check out:

    Let me know how that goes!


  • fernando91
    Community Member
    edited September 2023

    Interesting, it seems the 'View Item History' option is not available for the entry labelled '1password'. The option is available for most, but not all other entries.

    I don't think it would have made a difference, given that I had deleted the entire entry and then re-created it. (This was a while ago, so it's not in the 'Recently Deleted' items either.)

    Do you have any other ideas for this? I am almost tempted to create a new 'dummy' 1password account, just to see how the initial entry is set up.

  • Hi @fernando91, I'm sorry to hear that didn't work. Deleting the entire entry and re-creating it would explain why the item history wouldn't appear for it.

    I tested and encountered the same behaviour you described with the manually created secret key field.

    Do you have any other ideas for this? I am almost tempted to create a new 'dummy' 1password account, just to see how the initial entry is set up.

    I'm not sure if it would be possible to set this up exactly as the original Starter Kit item. Although you may set up an item to look exactly like it, some of the field tags will have different values under the hood. So any manually created Starter Kit item will not mimic the behaviour of the original.

    One option is to just keep it saved as a password field, then drag and drop the the secret key whenever you need it. At least that way you have it saved and not shown in plain text.


  • fernando91
    Community Member

    Thank you for investigating and confirming.
    Is there some way I can submit this to 1password as a feature suggestion?

  • Hey @fernando91, I'm happy to help!

    I've gone ahead and submitted a feature request on your behalf for our product team's consideration.

    Let me know if there's anything else we can help with!



  • fernando91
    Community Member

    This is great news. Thank you!

  • You're most welcome @fernando91!

  • fernando91
    Community Member


    I am just wondering - Has there been any movement on this issue?

  • @fernando91

    Thanks for following up. The Secret Key is no longer included in starter items for new 1Password accounts. Because of this, I believe that it's unlikely that a feature to recreate a starter item that includes the Secret Key will be developed. That being said, the feature request is still open with the team.

    Copy and pasting, or dragging and dropping, your Secret Key from 1Password into the Secret Key field is the best option. And, once you've logged into in a certain browser once, your Secret Key will be stored and only your account password will be needed for subsequent logins.

    Let me know if you have any questions.


    ref: dev/core/core#3988

  • fernando91
    Community Member
    edited March 20

    Thank you for the update.
    In terms of the copy/paste vs the drag&drop approach, is there any different in security?

    I'm thinking of side-channel attacks that attack the clipboard. (I'm using Win10.)

  • eli.s_1P
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @fernando91

    You are correct that there is a difference, primarily being that by copying passwords to the clipboard you do run the theoretical risk of having another app see the password if they decide to access the information stored in your clipboard.

    With drag and drop, you are not saving the item anywhere in plain text, and are using 1Password to fill the item without "storing it" on your machine outside of 1Password to be readily accessible.

    That being said, only you can decide what your threat model is and what tools you're comfortable using on your device.

    I hope this helps to answer your question about the difference between the two options! If you have any questions or need any clarification on the information above, please let me know.
