update existing vs new account

Community Member
edited September 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

When I try to add a sandbox email account to appstoreconnect.apple.com, it suggests overwriting my developer username and password, which would be disastorous if I accidentally pressed the wrong button.

Is there a way to default to creating a new account versus Update Existing?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided


  • Hi @resonance,

    I can see how accidentally pressing the wrong button in this scenario could be disastrous. While we don't currently have an option available to choose whether Create a new account or Updating an existing account appears by default, I've logged a feature request with the relevant team on our end to let them know of your interest in this feature.

    I hope this helps.

    -- Brendan


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