Watchtower shows an item under Ignored Alerts but there's no alert.


On mac, macos and 1password both latest versions. I was trying to get Watchtower to show passkey enabled sites as per documentation, and finally got that working by rebooting my machine. However in working on that I noticed that Show Ignored Alerts is showing a site that has no alerts, therefore no checkbox to re-enable alert, so it can never leave that list. Seems broken.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided


  • Hello @MaineWoodsWatcher! 👋

    I'm sorry that you ran into an issue when dismissing ignored alerts. Our developers are aware of the issue and I've added your report to the internal work item that we have open.

    As a workaround, for now, you can remove the alert by duplicating the item and then deleting the original. Let me know if that doesn't work.


    ref: dev/core/core#15433

  • MaineWoodsWatcher

    Yes that worked around it. Thanks @Dave_1P

  • Thanks again for reporting the issue. 🙂


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