SSH Prompt does not show up when initiated from background process

Community Member
edited September 2023 in SSH

I use SSH from WSL2, by aliasing ssh to ssh.exe.

When I have a background process, GUI Emacs, call git fetch for me, the 1Password Prompt does not show up. Instead, I have to go down to the taskbar, right-click the 1Password icon and click the SSH request waiting button to make the prompt appear. I am not sure when issue regressed exactly - it used to work for me on a recent build of 1Password but I noticed it not working after an update yesterday.

This, so far, has only occured on the first running of the background process and subsequent runnings succeed.

I've tried it on these versions of 1Password:
1Password for Windows 8.10.16
1Password for Windows 8.10.18 [beta]
1Password for Windows 8.10.18 (81018015) [nightly]


  • justinbarclay
    Community Member

    Thanks to winget, I've been able to downgrade to 8.10.13, and it's working as expected again. So definitely a regression in 8.10.16.

     winget uninstall AgileBits.1Password
     winget install --exact AgileBits.1Password -v 8.10.13
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