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Restrict devices to specific vaults

Community Member
edited October 2023 in Memberships

I‘m posting this here as this is not specific to any version.
As 1Password user I’d like to restrict access to specific vaults to just a couple of devices/sessions. Currently this does not seem to be a feature. I thought a bit about it and it’s not really simple to implement (which session is allowed to give access, what happens if the only session able to is being inactivated, ..). Still I thought it would be useful to share and maybe discuss this feature request. For me it’s also more the position that I only want to share vaults xyz to a new device. Obviously this device should not be able to add the over vaults by itself (this seems to be possible already). Maybe I missed it and I’m already able to.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided


  • Hello @felixoi! 👋

    Thanks for the suggestion! Can you tell me a little more about why you'd like to see certain vaults on some devices and not others?

    At the moment the only way to restrict a vault to only certain devices would be to create a separate "family member" account for yourself in a 1Password Families membership which would only contain that vault and then only add that account to selected devices.

    You could also create a guest account that only has access to a single vault: Share with guests in 1Password Families


  • felixoi
    Community Member

    Hey @Dave_1P,

    example usage would be my laptop for work. Sometimes you want to access something personal on your work account (e.g. for moving the payroll pdf to a private cloud, …) and therefore I need to access private passwords there. The device is managed by my company and I’d not like to sync all my vaults and passwords to that machine, even if they are encrypted. I could share a link to the password every time but to be honest, that’s not really nice to work with. 1Password for Family makes no sense for me as I’m a solo user.


  • @felixoi

    Thanks for the reply. It sounds like a guest account would be the right solution for you but it would require that you upgrade to 1Password Families if you're currently using an individual account: Share with guests in 1Password Families

    1Password uses a vault system where each vault is encrypted using its own cryptographic key. This means that any separately managed vaults would also require their own account password and Secret Key, you wouldn't be able to use your current account password and Secret Key (because that would defeat the purpose of using your personal account credentials on your work computer).

    That being said, I've filed a feature request on your behalf to have the team look into whether such a feature like this could be built in the future. Thank you for the feedback.


    ref: PB-36418504

  • itsash
    Community Member
    edited April 2024

    Hi @Dave_1P

    I would also love the ability to lockdown Vaults per device, specifically so that I can control My work laptop access and personal device access. The guest account might work for me because I do currently pay for the family license since a couple of members from my family benefit from 1Pass. But i do also have questions -

    • Will the guest account take up a seat like a familiy member?
    • How many guest accounts can I create and link to a vault?
  • @itsash

    No, a guest will not count against seats. A family membership has 5 guest accounts available in addition to the normal 5 users.

  • itsash
    Community Member

    Fantastic, this sounds like a reasonable workaround for me. Thanks 🙂

  • Excellent. Let us know if you have any questions.

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