Extension's Menu Button vs. App's Help Button

Community Member
edited October 2023 in Windows

The extension has a "Menu" button between the search bar and the New Item button. The placement is unusual since users have been made to expect the Menu on the far right (Firefox, Chrome). Or to have Menu options on the left sidebar. Regardless of what it's called, it's actually a Quicklaunch/Shortcut list of options that are very useful to have within easy reach.
The Windows app interface is very similar to the browser extension and it has a button in the same place but it's called "Help" and lists some of the menu options that are buried under Help in the triple dot menu on the left of the app. The app lacks the extension menu's Password Generator, Notifications and Lock that are so convenient.

Wouldn't it be better to have more consistency between this part of the extension and the application? Users like me who develop a kind of muscle memory benefit greatly when things that look so similar behave the same way.

1Password Version: 8.10.20
Extension Version: 2.17.0
OS Version: Windows 10
Browser: Chrome / Firefox


  • Hey @Kyrast, thanks for reaching out.

    I can certainly see the advantage of having more consistency across 1Password for Windows and 1Password in your browser.

    We greatly appreciate your feedback here! While I can't make any promises, I've passed this along to our product team for their consideration.

    Let me know if you have any further questions or suggestions!



  • Kyrast
    Community Member

    @AliH1P Thank you for passing along my suggestion. I know the product team has a lot on their plates so I'm very glad 1Password has people like you who can bring feedback up to them so they stay in touch and get fresh ideas about their work from the point of view of end users.

  • @Kyrast You're most welcome!

    We're always looking for ways to improve 1Password and really appreciate ideas and feedback from our users.

    Thanks again!
