A specific site doesn't work with 1Password


This site doesn't work with 1Password browser extension (Chrome on Mac): https://www.gruppocdc.it/dossier-sanitario
Hoping this will help in the development of 1Password, making it compatible with more sites.

1Password Version: 8.10.22
Extension Version: 2.18.1
OS Version: macOS 14.1.2
Browser: Chrome (updated)


  • Hey @netraider,

    I have done some testing on this page but I'm struggling to reproduce the issue. Can you let me know the steps you are taking to fill?

    In addition, can you give these steps a try to manually resave your login and see if it improves things:

    1. Go to the log in page
    2. Manually enter your log in details but don't click enter or sign in.
    3. Right click the 1Password icon in your browser toolbar and choose 'Save Login'
    4. Give it a title and click Save.
    5. Now refresh the page and see if you are able to fill.

    Let us know how you get on!

  • netraider
    Community Member

    I have already saved the password in 1password, when I select clicking on it, both the fields (user and pwd) remain empty. I don't have problems on any other site.

  • Thanks for the prompt reply @netraider, I suggested those steps as I noticed when I saved it 1Password captured two URL's. Can you let me know the URL/s that are saved with the login item you have for this page?

  • netraider
    Community Member

    Yes, it seem different: https://secure.gruppocdc.it/refertiOnline/

    Anyway 1password still suggests the correct user/pwd.

    On other sites the url seems to be not so important, only the domain seems to make difference.

  • @netraider

    Thanks for the reply. You should be able to resolve the issue by saving a new Login item following the steps that Steph posted earlier:

    1. Go to the log in page
    2. Manually enter your log in details but don't click enter or sign in.
    3. Right click the 1Password icon in your browser toolbar and choose 'Save Login'
    4. Give it a title and click Save.
    5. Now refresh the page and see if you are able to fill.

    Can you let me know if you've given those a try and still see the same issue with the new Login item?


  • netraider
    Community Member

    I have already solved the issue adding the subdomain to the list of sites for that entry. Thanks!

  • Thanks for the update @netraider

  • I'm happy that you found a solution. 🙂
