URLS and rich text notes

Community Member

I do know this isn't a new request [eg. 1, 2], but it wasn't well proposed I think.

I would like to make a more complete case for these features, and start by saying that I absolutely do not want or need a text expander function in 1password. Please continue reading to see what I propose.

A. URLS (aka bookmarks)

all bookmark manager have the same problems: they are locked in a browser, and or an extension, aren't secured, lack usability
all lack the same advantage 1password has:

  • usability : I think no one would wants to be using a graphical interface of hundred of bookmarks to find what they need, when they could immedialety find what they need CTRL+Shift+Space and have the ability to type an arbitrary description for the link to find the link ("booking page meeting" instead of looking through a list of any bookmark to find calendly)
  • security : I need my bookmark not to be shared with a random extension, especially when the knowledge of the link itself should be secured (certain bookmarks' URL require to be secret : a framapad of googlesheet open to public editing)
  • no lockin

Moreover, this feature is very close to being supported already: "simply create a login item without a password and login" I heard you say. However, because they are treated as any login: they populate the pop-up login for autocompletion of login and password.
Example: my google account provides me with a 10+ of non-login item : google doc from an important meeting, my add event to my calendar etc.

Implementation : create a category that a) doesn't populate autocomplete logins b) is searchable trough a description fields (this is optional as names are searchable, but it's neater)

B. Rich text secure note (aka snippet manager)

I have images (ex: QR code or signature) that I need to access quickly, but that also need to be are securely kept.
what 1 password currently proposes I do
At the moment, these are steps to using one:
find the thing, which is kept in a document in 1pass
download the image on computer or smartphone
open it
make use of it
search the image's location (pray it hasn't sync in onedrive....),
and make sure it's deleted!
Rince and repeat.

If you would just let us have a rich text field for secure notes, that is treated like a password (revealable, and copyable directly from 1password ...) I could actually use my bits of text and images that need to be secured (ex: QR codes for payments, signature, tables of pricing for different cases of products, etc).

Please note, that I don't require this feature to be a text expander: please no. I much rather prefer to have any rich text being tied to a description (or just the name that works), that I can type and find it and insert it (even myself with a copy and paste) or just show it when needed (ex: "qr code deutchebank information payment" )

thanks! :)

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided


  • ag_tommy
    edited December 2023


    Thank you. I'll pass along your suggestions to the team.

    ref: PB-37601701