suggestion: create a file that can be placed in a website .well-known folder for password requir

Community Member
edited December 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

The .well-known folder on a website is already used for things like change-password URL and apple pay validation, among others. It seems like a logical use for this is to create a file like password-format.json that would contain a JSON structure on password requirements, which 1Password (and really any other pwd managers, take the lead on this!) could use on how to build a password. Something like:

"min_length": 4,
"max_length": 12,
"require_special_char": true,
"require_uppercase": true,
"require_lowercase": true,
"require_numbers": false

a representation of all the "Rules" that each website has (and vary widely) on their password requirements. I'm sure you have a library of know websites but this is a way that the website itself could avoid irritating customers like us whose generated passwords don't always align with their requirements.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided
