Advanced filter for entries, like absence of a certain type of field

Community Member

I'm using 1Password on mac,win & android (and occasionally) web, but my majority use is on mac.

Is there any advanced filter capability?

My use-case: I've > 1k items and my primary email changed and I did not have referenced it in all entries and I also use multiple emails, so it's not clear which entry refers to which emails.

For example: it would be super useful to search for all entries not having an email field. Because then I know it's one of the entries I need to check.

Currently I wouldn't need more, but the search field feels very limited to what I would expect in ~2023 😅~ 2024. For example I search for some.words.there and I find things where it's not a phrase, so I try "some.words.there" and the result is the same, it can't do such exact matches.

thanks for any tips,

  • Max

1Password Version: 8.10.20
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 14.1.1
Browser: Not Provided


  • ag_tommy
    edited January 3


    Apologies, advanced searching is not something that is currently available in 1Password 8, though I hope it will be. I could use it myself. I'd be happy to pass your request along to the team so they know it is a valuable resource to you.

    There is a known issue where special characters can break search strings. I believe you've encountered that.

    Edit: Done

    ref: PB-37647403

  • maxwell
    Community Member

    As for finding entries with a certain field or not, I realized I can use the export and use the JSON to figure this out.

  • Dave_1P

    Thank you for sharing and for your feedback. Hopefully more advanced search can be introduced to 1Password in a future version. 🙂
