Why do some record edits from the browser add-on take me to different places?

Community Member

I searched for an found this thread from 2013 and it looks like this functionality 10 years later hasn't been addressed. https://1password.community/discussion/17179/cant-edit-from-within-the-browser-extension-or-mini-other-issues

If I try to update a record from the browser add-on, it will take me to the website for some and for other edits it opens the installed desktop app, why? This is so confusing and cumbersome especially when I can't install the desktop app on my work computer, so have to wait until I can access my personal computer to make some edits.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided


  • Hello @sdelvecchio,

    Thanks for your message. I'm sorry for any confusion this causes.

    The team is continuing their work and bringing feature parity between 1Password.com and the app. You may be running into a legacy field or aspect of 1Password.com that is not yet compatible with the app.

    If I try to update a record from the browser add-on, it will take me to the website for some and for other edits it opens the installed desktop app

    Since you mentioned you can't use the app at work, you should be able to make all edits through 1Password.com.

    Could you let me know of any cases where editing takes you to the 1Password.com website versus the app on your personal device, so this can be reported to the team as necessary?