OTP field wont prompt to fill on oracle cloud (oci)


Hi there-

I have an account with Oracle Cloud (OCI) and the OTP will not prompt to fill. Is there anything i can do in the 1password app to tell it about this field specifically? i assume they are just not being detecting due to some crazy code on their end.

looking at the website code the element is specifically:

<input data-oj-internal="" autocomplete="off" type="text" placeholder="" class="oj-inputtext-input oj-component-initnode" id="idcs-mfa-mfa-auth-passcode-input|input">

thanks for any tips!

1Password Version: 8.10.23
Extension Version: 2.19.0
OS Version: macOS 14.2.1
Browser: Chrome


  • @sphen

    Can you collect a page structure and email that to us? Please email us using support+forum@1password.com. Be sure to use the email address tied to the account in question.

    • To collect the structure proceed to the page and then right-click it selecting 1Password > Help > Collect page structure.
    • If possible include a link to the page itself. If the page is page is private and cannot be shared, that's ok too.

    Include the following:

    Your user name here in the forum. sphen
    A link to this topic. https://1password.community/discussion/143954/otp-field-wont-prompt-to-fill-on-oracle-cloud-oci#latest

    This will help us connect the dots as they say.