1Password dropdown masks macOS autofill for SMS verification codes

Community Member
edited January 10 in 1Password in the Browser

Many websites and services require verification with a code sent by text message. macOS has a nice feature that offers to auto-fill the code from the Messages app. Normally, it appears as a drop-down in the "Verification Code" field, and you type the Tab key to select it and autofill. That way you never have to try to memorize the 6-digit code and type it in.
1Password, however, sees the "Verification Code" field and tries to offer auto-completions. Of course these are one-time codes, so you would never want to store them in any password vault. Pressing the Esc key to remove 1Password's unhelpful auto-fill offerings also removes macOS's useful auto-fill offering.
I'd like a way to dial down 1Password's eagerness in offering auto-fill. My preference would be username and password only, unless I add a special field for that particular account. Never offer to auto-fill a Verification Code. Sometimes I might want credit card autofill and sometimes now.
Is there a way to do this already?

1Password Version: 8.10.23
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 14.2.1
Browser: all


  • @TimDiller

    You could try turning off the option within 1Password for Safari to automatically Show autofill suggestions when a form field is in focus.

    1. Right-click 1Password for Safari
    2. Settings
    3. Autofill

    Then any time you want to see 1Password you'll need to click the inline menu button.