Idea: 1Password Wallet?

Community Member

I'm not sure where this should go, but I had an idea: What if 1Password could serve an a mobile wallet like Google/Apple/Samsung Wallet?

I'm aware that 1Password store the details for things like ID's, loyalty cards, and other items of the like, but I think it would be cool if you could still use them over NFC.

For example, at my school, many students carry around their school ID on their phone via Apple or Google wallet, which also allows them to tap their phone wherever they could tap their school ID and do things like paying for meals and other goods from their student account.

I've always found this really neat, but I've never gotten into because I don't trust Google or Samsung with that data, and I don't have and don't want to use an iPhone just for this (though I'm not sure if I'd trust Apple with this info, either). It would be a great feahure to have in a space that only big tech seems to have a place in.

I'm sure this is probably out of scope for 1Password's goals, and that there's probably some serious hurdles to clear to allow for this to happen (at least here in the US), but I just wanted to throw the idea out there.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided


  • Hello @problemyarngrumbly! 👋

    That's a really cool idea! I personally would love to be able to store everything in 1Password, including cards that I can then use. I can definitely see how it would be convenient to store your student card in 1Password and then use that stored card using NFC.

    While I can't make any promises, especially since I'm not sure if something like this can be done, I've filed a feature request on your behalf to have our Product team look into the feasibility of this feature for the future. 🙂


    ref: PB-37764320