Plugins not supported on kali?
While the general cli and git+ssh integration worked quite well i'm currently running into an error while trying to set-up the aws plugin.
❯ op signin ❯ op plugin init aws [ERROR] 2024/01/18 10:19:54 Shell Plugins are currently not supported on this operating system ❯ op plugin init [ERROR] 2024/01/18 10:29:08 Shell Plugins are currently not supported on this operating system
❯ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Kali Description: Kali GNU/Linux Rolling Release: 2023.4 Codename: kali-rolling ❯ aws --version aws-cli/2.15.11 Python/3.11.6 Linux/ exe/x86_64.kali.2023 prompt/off ❯ echo $SHELL /usr/bin/zsh ❯ op --version 2.24.0
any help is appreciated! thank you :)
1Password Version: 8.10.23
Extension Version: 2.20.1
OS Version: Kali 2023.4
Browser: Chrome
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