Current family account, potential small business questions

My wife and I are using 1password family to manage all of our personal password information, we each have a personal vault and we have a shared vault.

My wife needs a password manager for her small business, which would consist of her and two employees needing to share passwords for websites and the ability for all team members to update passwords...

Currently her employees do not have business email addresses. I could create business emails for them, but need to understand if this is a requirement.

I also need to know if there are any limitations of my wife having both personal and business 1Password vaults on her devices.

I tried contacting 1password sales with these questions but got laughably bad (and useless) responses.

Hoping someone from the community can help on this one... or maybe another password manager is a better fit.


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided


  • ag_tommy
    edited January 2024


    We're glad to have you both with us.

    It sounds like you're certainly on the small side of things, so I would not be too concerned with using the family account for her needs. My Mrs. did the same for years. No, no limitations, well, other than your possible imagination. The sky is the limit. She (my Mrs.) had a specific vault for the work stuff.

    There would be no limitation on the email the other folks use. It can be a public email address or one you create to reduce your IT load. Consider using an email they already use. They'll probably favor that as it's one less email they'll need to manage. Unless, of course, they need an email for your business needs. You can, however, use either option.

    I would create a new vault that she and the other members are a part of. Create and share vaults

    You might want to invite the others as guests. That way, they'll only have access to a specific vault you assign. Share with guests in 1Password Families

    I would not recommend making them full family members. Doing so would give them access to the data in the "shared" vault. It is shared amongst all family members equally. The guest account would be my suggestion, along with the specific vault you created for them to access the data that either of you places inside of it.

  • jmpage2
    Community Member

    @ag_tommy there might be some misunderstanding. She would need to buy 1Password for small business so that as the business owner she can control the vault including removing access for an employee if they leave the business.

    The issue would be if using 1Password for business and 1Password for family on the same devices... in addition to the thing around email I mentioned.


  • @jmpage2

    If you prefer to go that route, you are certainly welcome to. :) You can have multiple accounts signed into the devices. I have several in use currently work and about six other testing accounts. On my personal device, I only have my family membership. A different account will give you greater compartmentalization of data and ensure your data is yours (family) and the business has its own data, not intermingled. It depends on the feature set you need or want concerning which offering you go with.

  • Yes, you can mix both work and family accounts on her devices.

  • jmpage2
    Community Member

    Thanks @ag_tommy for confirming the product will do what we want. Based on the info you've provided we will determine if we use our family plan for the business or get a separate account or even possibly just migrate our personal stuff to the business if we don't want to have to pay for two subscriptions.

  • We're a big fan of helping folks ensure they are safe. We're glad you're so proactive and being secure. If you have any questions as you make the journey please let us know. We'd be happy to help.

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