Importing from Dashlane doesn't seem to work with credit cards (bug?)



I was just migrating my data from Dashlane to 1Password and was doing a check if everything was imported. Everything seemed to have been moved, except my credit card.

Checked the zip file from Dashlane and in the csv file with credit cards (or payments as they call them) are in the zip file.

In my case it was just a single CC and added it manually, no problem. Will check the rest of the categories a bit more thoroughly now though...

1. Did I miss something in the process during importing?
2. Or is this a bug?

Best regards,

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: 2.19.0
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Chrome


  • Hi @DizzyDwarf thanks for reaching out!

    I'm sorry you weren't able to successfully import your credit card into 1Password. I can confirm that there's a known bug where credit cards get imported as Secure Notes.

    I suspect what may have happened here is that Dashlane recently updated the export format of their payments.csv. Because the format has changed, our importer isn't recognizing these items as Credit Card items any longer, and they're instead being imported as Secure Notes.

    Can you check if you have any Secure Notes in 1Password with your Credit Card info saved in them?

    Let me know if you have any questions!

  • DizzyDwarf
    Community Member

    Hi @ChrisC1P thanks for your reply,

    Now you mention it, it briefly caught my eye that the credit cards where now called "Payments" in Dashlane.

    The credit card has not been imported as a secure note either. Just checked again to be sure, but looked for it in "All Items" before making the post.

    And as mentioned, creating a new credit card is just a piece of cake, so I'm saved :D Therefore this post was more of a bug report in that sense.

    No more questions from my side, thanks again!

  • Thank you for getting back to us @DizzyDwarf.

    Let us know if there's anything else we can help with at all.

  • DizzyDwarf
    Community Member

    Hi @ChrisC1P and @steph.giles,

    I did not look properly in the list and couldn't find the info with the search before. But it indeed ended up as a Secure Note, just like Chris explained. Just went through my items for some other reason and found the info!

  • Thanks for the update @DizzyDwarf, I hope things are smooth sailing from here on.