Family organizers shared vaults

Community Member

The way our family plan is setup needs to have a way to create shared vaults that are not visible/manageable by Family organisers. My brother and I are both Family Organisers and would both like to share some sensitive passwords with our respective wives who are Family members in the plan. But we would prefer those vaults not be accessible to each other.

Is there a way to implement privacy for Family Organizers too so the creator of a shared vault can remove access to view/edit shared vaults even from Family Organizers?


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  • ag_tommy
    edited January 23


    Family Organizers have full access. Short of creating a new family and segmenting the larger family I can't imagine a way to accomplish this, because the FO have the ability to help with recovery of accounts. Account recovery needs to allow folks back into their accounts/vaults.
    I'd be happy to file a feature request, but even then I can't guarantee if/when it could happen. If it was created it would likely be some time for creation and development. My thought would be separate accounts. If you need to share a vault between the two families you could always add them as a guest to yours and you to theirs. That would give you access to a specific vault that could share amongst the families.
    Perhaps some of the others here in the community have ideas they can share.

    🚑 Recover accounts for family or team members

    Create and share vaults

    Share with guests in 1Password Families