SSH Agent Forwarding TO my mac

Community Member

I'm trying to SSH into my mac from my phone and run a script. The script copies files to a server over SSH and uses a key. I have a key on my phone that I can use to ssh into the server directly. I'd like to forward the key on my phone. Instead what happens is the 1password SSH agent window pops up on my computer (which I'm not at) and the script hangs.

From reading the following thread, I was under the impression that what I'm describing should now work.

Is there something specific I need to be doing to make this work? Is what I'm describing not possible? I have the following in my ~/.ssh/config:

Host *
IdentityAgent "~/Library/Group Containers/"

I tried various things in specifying the server in my config but none seem to work (i.e. setting/unsetting IdentityFile and IdentityAgent).

1Password Version: 8.10.23
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 13.6
Browser: Safari


  • ryder_hook
    Community Member

    Hello tgray,

    I have a similar case. I use my MAC and log in on a Linux system with Agent Forwarding enabled. And it works like a charm.
    I am not a specialist, but an iPhone cannot be compared with a normal computer. This means that the individual applications are encapsulated here. That's why I can imagine that Agent Forwarding doesn't work with Source phone.


  • tgray
    Community Member

    The thing is, it works fine when I comment out the 1Password agent at the top of my ssh config file. Other combinations don’t seem to work (agent at top of file, specific server with no agent set).

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