"Use as global default on my system" never works -- only ever from home dir

Community Member

On macOS, no matter where I run "op plugin init aws" from, no matter how often I pick "Use as global default on my system", subsequent invocations of aws only work from my homedir (and subdirs from there). From the root dir, or from any other dir outside of home, it just hangs.

Searched all over and see no mention of this. Searched around in the on-disk config and can't see where this is even specified. Don't see any logging to enable to debug why it's hanging outside of my homedir.

I was able to get this to work once. Same steps as before: new shell, op plugin init aws, select the key, select global. Worked once. Tried to repro it a dozen times and it didn't work. Makes me think there's some sort of race condition?

Would love to get this sorted, it's a real PITA to have to keep switching back to my homedir to get anything done.

op version 2.24.0

1Password Version: 8.10.24
Extension Version: 2.20.0
OS Version: macOS
Browser: Brave


  • shadowxwarrior0
    Community Member

    Hey I'm also running into the same problem,

    Specifically with the GitHub CLI (gh), I have to reauth each time instead of using a global default.

    I have the same error that @jpr5 is currently experiencing just with gh

  • lantrix
    Community Member
    edited March 2024

    I have the same thing, and not only does it hang but the op CLI is running high CPU in the background when it hangs.

    If I do an op plugin init aws in the directory I'm working in, then I am able to select > Use automatically when in this directory or subdirectories and the AWS CLI works fine then.

    It's just when it's set as a global default, it hangs.

  • jpr5
    Community Member

    To clarify, selectingUse automatically when in this directory or subdirectories from the root dir also does not work.

  • pan93412
    Community Member

    There are several issues related to this matter:

    The 1Password team has not responded to these issues, which is frustrating. This issue is particularly annoying because I sometimes clone files to /tmp, where the .op configuration directory created by “Use automatically when in this directory or subdirectories” in op plugin init gh cannot be persisted.

    After profiling the op CLI, I found that searchDefaultsFilelnCurrentDirRecursively attempts to traverse the parent directories and open files to locate the .op/plugins/<plugin>.json file before falling back to the global configuration. However, this process can be slow due to the complexity of the parent directory structure.

    As the description of this function, "Use automatically when in this directory or subdirectories," clearly indicates, there is no need to traverse the entire directory tree of the parent, I propose simplifying the searchDefaultsFilelnCurrentDirRecursively function, which would take O(n) time, where n is the depth of the current directory relative to the root. I do not know the signature of the original function, so this function may need to be rewritten to match the exact behavior. Unit tests should be added to this code, but I have tested it with some hanging cases in my directory. I hope this helps!

    package main
    import (
    func searchDefaultsFilelnCurrentDirRecursively(dir string, program string) ([]byte, error) {
        dirToCheck := filepath.Clean(dir)
        configFile := filepath.Join(".op", "plugins", program+".json")
        for len(dirToCheck) > 0 {
            configFilePath := filepath.Join(dirToCheck, configFile)
            content, err := os.ReadFile(configFilePath)
            if err == nil {
                return content, nil
            dirToCheck = dirToCheck[:strings.LastIndexByte(dirToCheck, byte(os.PathSeparator))]
        content, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join("/", configFile))
        if err == nil {
            return content, nil
        return nil, errors.New("no defaults found")
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