Mull / Cromite autofill

Community Member

Hey all. I've got the problem that I can access 1password over those browsers but I can't see any items. I have to search by them manually and when I press of one specific item 1password tells me that it couldn't verify that either Mull or Cromite should have access to this item. I can ignore it and click on always remember but I have to do that for every login on my 1password vault.

Is there a way to fix this?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided


  • Hey there @Chippelchen88

    It seems like both Mull and Cromite are fairly privacy-oriented, and neither of them seem to tell Android's autofill system what page you're currently looking at, which means Android can't ask for any specific items in 1Password. This is why you'll see suggestions for the browser itself (as if it was any other app) rather than the current tab.

    Considering that's a decision made by the developers of those browsers, there isn't anything 1Password can do to help in that situation. As you mentioned, autofilling still works, but those browsers won't allow 1Password to suggest anything and you'll therefore have to confirm each autofill action.

    — Grey

  • jommo
    Community Member

    Having the same issue. Cromite does actually link up with Android Auto-fill, and some password managers work OK.

    Bitwarden used to have the same issue I and OP have with 1Password, but they've added Cromite to their browser allow-list so now it works. Does 1Password use the same an allow-list process too? (would make sense - presumably it's to protect users from fake browser apps stealing credentials)