Two login prompts to unlock the 1Password browser extension

Community Member
edited February 11 in 1Password in the Browser

When I try to unlock the 1Password browser extension in Chrome, a password prompt is displayed and I start to type my password but then after a few seconds a larger password window opens and I have to enter my password in that window.

1Password Version: 8.10.24
Extension Version: 2.20.0
OS Version: Windows 11 Pro 23H2
Browser: Chrome


  • Hey @niftypants,

    It sounds like you might be running into an issue which we have recently published a fix for in version 2.20.2 of 1Password in the browser.

    Can you paste chrome://extensions followed by the enter key into your browser address bar and then click update and then test to see if the issue persists?

    Let us know how you get on!

    ref: dev/core/core#26763

  • jjo5555
    Community Member

    I have a similar issue. But I don't see where to update.

  • Hey @jjo5555,

    Can you let me know which browser and which version of 1Password in the browser you are using?

    You can find this out if you right click the 1Password icon in your browser toolbar and choose Settings > About.

  • jjo5555
    Community Member

    Extension Version: 2.20.0 in chrome

  • Apologies @jjo5555, my mistake.

    It looks like the fix may still be in beta. If you would like to give that a try whilst you wait for it to be released to production here's how: Use 1Password beta releases