German localization: Missing translation

Community Member
edited February 23 in iOS

In the 1Password settings of the browser extension under the sub-item Watchtower, a text label is not translated into German:

"Check for vulnerable passwords" should be translated as "Auf gefährdete Passwörter überprüfen"

1Password Version: 1Password for iPadOS 8.10.26 81026039, im Kanal „PRODUCTION“
Extension Version: 2.20.0
OS Version: iPadOS 17.3.1 (21D61)
Browser: Safari


  • Hello @nNfEfRtqUHrmDWYdocjh! 👋

    Thank you for reporting the translation issue within the Settings page for 1Password in the browser on your iOS device. I've brought this to the attention of our development team so that they can investigate further and improve the translation.

    Let me know if you have any questions.


    ref: dev/core/core#28144