What is the Sync Domain



My company has recently blocked a load of websites! 1Password was one of them. I have got them to unblock it, however whilst the main website now works the sync on my Firefox extension has the offline cloud icon.

Are you able to tell me the sync domain I need to ask them to unblock? Or can I just ask them to unblock all xxxxx.1password.com sub domains?

Thanks in advance.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided


  • Hello @Zaka7! 👋

    Thanks for the question. I recommend that you forward the following article to your company's network team: 1Password ports and domains

    It will tell you which ports and domains need to be accessible so that 1Password works properly. If your company's network team has any questions, or runs into any issues, then please have them reach out to support@1Password.com and our team can help further.


  • Zaka7
    Community Member

    Thanks @Dave_1P as always. Have passed that one on!

  • Happy to help! 🙂
