Why state field disappears from an identity if I choose a European country

Community Member

During the creation of an identity and after selecting a country in the address section, the field State/Province disappears if I don't select US as a country (Germany in my case). Why can't we add the information of state (Hessen, Bayern etc) for countries other than the US?

1Password Version: Not Provided
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  • Hi there @Max7

    The Address field in an item will typically have (at least) the lines that match the standardised format for postal addresses in that country. Taking Germany as your example, the format for that would be something like:

    Mr P Kunde
    Langestr. 12
    04103 LEIPZIG

    Since the state isn't used in the standard postal address, it's not included in the Address field in 1Password. I hope that answers your question fully, but please do let me know if I can be of any further help. :)

    — Grey

  • Max7
    Community Member

    Hi GreyM1P,
    thanks for your reply.

    I have come across multiple websites that during a form fill require the state as part of the postal information even for Germany or Greece for example. And I always have to type the state info myself even though the rest of the fields are auto-filled. I also understand that usually the postal addresses here in Germany may be used without the state info, but it would be of great convenience if this info could be auto-filled by 1Password when requested. The field is already there after all. I would expect it wouldn't be difficult to keep it visible and usable regardless of the country.


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