Surprising Del Key Effect

Community Member


Today when editing an existing note in Windows 1Password I selected some text and pressed the Del key to delete it. To my amazement the note closed, the note list was displayed, and my note had disappeared! I thought that somehow I had deleted the note but it wasn't in the Trash folder. Eventually after a few minutes of panic I looked in the Archive folder and found it there.

This behavior definitely violates the principle of least astonishment. Deleting text is the obvious intent of a person not schooled in the idiosyncrasies of 1Password. In any app when editing text the Del key should delete text in the active pane and not take action in some other inactive pane.

Please make the Del key do what the user expects in this situation instead of scarring them to death.


1Password Version: Windows 8.10.26
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 11
Browser: Not Provided

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