Passwords don't update to all devices

Community Member

A few days ago an educational organization of mine forced me to update my password. The following day, I used my android phone to try to login to my account. It would not let me log in because the password was wrong. I checked the password history and could see that my password was updated yesterday. However, this password was the one I had before I changed it (which I've had for 3 months). The organization wouldn't let me change my password again until at least 24 hours has passed since it's last change. Because of this, I lost a day's worth of work because I was basically locked out of my account. I've noticed it with my other computers and phone as well. It seems as if it is only updating my passwords when I open the actual app. For example, I just got on my other laptop and it wouldn't let me sign into my educational organization account because of the wrong password. However, when I opened the 1Password App, the password updated and I was able to login.

1Password Version: Windows 8.10.26 (81026039), Android 7.94
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10, Android 14
Browser: FireFox


  • Hello @cookmeafish! 👋

    I'm sorry that you're not seeing the same changes on all of your devices, that definitely isn't right. As a first step, I would recommend that you update 1Password on your Android device to 1Password 8:

    Then, can you let me know if you still see the same issue? If you do then on which device did you make a password change and on which device do you see the old password?

    I look forward to hearing from you.
