I cannot edit any objects with ios/ipad

Community Member
edited March 6 in iOS

I am using iPadOS-Version-16.6. I cannot edit any objects. I can make new but cannot edit any.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided


  • mixix34
    Community Member

    1Password Version is:
    1Password for iPadOS 8.10.26 81026039, im Kanal „PRODUCTION“

  • Dave_1P

    Hello @mixix34! 👋

    I'm sorry that you're unable to edit items on your iPad, are you still able to edit items using the 1Password app on your other devices or when you log in to your 1Password account on 1Password.com (in the browser, not the app)?

    Can you tell me what happens when you follow these steps:

    1. Open and unlock the 1Password app from the home screen of your iPad.
    2. Tap All Items in the sidebar: Use the sidebar in 1Password
    3. Tap on an item and then tap Edit.

    Does the view change? Or does tapping on the Edit icon do nothing?


  • mixix34
    Community Member
    edited March 6

    editing works fine with an iMac macOS Catalina 10.15.7, Samsung phone Galaxy A20e and in my 1Password account.

    If I do the three steps as you wrote:
    It looks like 1Password turns into edit mode but if I klick on somthing it just copies the line.

    You can see it on the attached screeshop!

    Edit (Bearbeiten) is shown bold but the line username (Benutzername) which I want to edit shows copied (Kopiert).


    [Screenshot removed for privacy reasons -Moderator]

  • Dave_1P


    Thank you for the screenshot, that's very helpful in understanding the issue. To protect your privacy, I've removed the screenshot since contained email addresses and usernames.

    So that I can investigate this further, I'd like to ask you to reproduce the issue one more time and then create a diagnostics report from your iOS device:

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (iOS)

    Attach the diagnostics to an email message addressed to support+forum@1password.com.

    With your email please include:

    Please send the entire file.

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here. Thanks very much!


  • mixix34
    Community Member

    Hello Dave,
    thank you for trying to delete my screenshot. I completely forgot to think about the data protection. But the screenshot is still visible on my computer.

    Diagnostics Reports coming soon.


  • Dave_1P


    Thanks for the reply. The screenshot has now been removed. If you still see it then please refresh the page or try clearing your browser's cache.

    I've located your ticket and I can confirm that your diagnostics report made it to the right team, one of my colleagues will send you a reply soon via email. To prevent duplication of efforts, I'm closing this thread.


    ref: ZBH-93155-514

This discussion has been closed.