Feature request: integration with systemd to autostart on login
While the general ask is to support starting on login, this is a specific implementation request for systemd.
I ended up creating my own 1password.service unit file for systemd in the usual discovery location used by some other apps like docker-desktop i.e., /usr/lib/systemd/user/1password.service with the content:
[Unit] Description=1Password Requires=graphical-session.target After=graphical-session.target [Service] ExecStart=/opt/1Password/1password --silent Type=exec TimeoutSec=60 [Install] Alias=1password.service WantedBy=graphical-session.target
A user - or even 1Password via the config dialog - can then run systemctl --user enable 1password
to have it automatically start with a graphical session is started.
Your .deb file could install this along with other files.
1Password Version: 8.10.27
Extension Version: 2.21.0
OS Version: Ubuntu 22.04
Browser: Firefox
This discussion has been closed.