Feature Request: Revive ability to edit passwords directly in the generator (or set more parameters)


This used to be possible and it saved multiple steps if a site didn't allow certain characters or had particularly narrow rules for passwords. Before (ver. <8 I believe), you'd generate a password, then you were able to simply correct anything that was forbidden on that site before saving.

Now, the only options are to re-roll the generated password until it meets the requirements, or save it and immediately edit it. On sites with both short length limits and restrictive allowed characters, re-rolling simply isn't practical.

If this isn't possible, then I would request more flexibility with the generator parameters. A max length would be useful for site with particularly short character limits (I know there's a length slider for random passwords, but memorable passwords don't have one). And a box where you could paste or type the forbidden character list from the site (or some other way to say "don't use these") could work. Even if it's the same number of steps, it wouldn't feel like you have to go backwards in the workflow.

The site won't let me have a strong password, 1Password won't let me have a weak one, it's just frustrating to feel stuck in the middle when the old workflow solved this perfectly.

1Password Version: 8.10.27
Extension Version: 2.21
OS Version: Windows 11
Browser: Firefox