Weird gihub ad on 1password blocking me from my vault

Community Member
edited March 18 in 1Password in the Browser

A few days ago, I clicked the 1password extension on my edge browser and suddenly, a github ad occupied the right side of 1password screen (the side where username & password are displayed). Anyways, I freaked out cause when I click on my vault, there was nothing on the left side (where the accounts are listed), and the right side is still that github ad. Idk what I clicked, but I latter re-sign in to the extension and the ad was gone. I don't want that happen again obviously. Idk if it is an update message or sth, if that's the case then I want to turn it off. Pls help.

[Removed profanity, remember that this is a family-friendly community -Moderator]

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOs 13.6.3
Browser: edge


  • Hey @nkt198,

    The behaviour you are describing isn't something I'm familiar with and doesn't sound like the expected behaviour.

    Without seeing the ad you are describing it's hard to determine where it may have been coming from. If you were to run into this again could you take a screenshot and send it over in an email to so we can take a closer look?

    Apologies I don't have much else to add here at this time.