
Several or so months ago, I noticed that the cooling fan on my iMac (late 2013, OS Catalina 10.15.7, Safari 15.6.1; all the latest available versions) was frequently running, despite no apparent significant demands on the CPU.

Activity monitor showed at the top when sorting on CPU%, at somewhere between 99% and 112% of CPU available. (Interestingly, the CPU load graphic at the bottom of the window never showed more than about 25%.)

I tried finally force quitting 1P immediately opened a new tab in Safari with this message:

  • The 1Password browser extension needed to restart
  • The 1Password browser extension was unable to access the local copy of your 1Password data and needed to restart.

CPU percentage dropped to less than 1%, and the fan shut off.

This happens very frequently. Why is the 1P extension apparently doing this?

1Password Version: 8.10.28
Extension Version: 2.15.1
OS Version: 10.15.7
Browser: Safari