mrc converter suite wont downloads modules? maybe

Community Member

Not even sure what to do with this, I'm trying to convert from Kaspersky to 1Password, TXT to anything usable for 1Password, but I can't get anything working, presumably because I get an error when installing the modules. I put in .\install_modules.bat and it goes through saying they all failed to install. I'm in admin mode but I don't know what I'm doing... help

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: windows 11
Browser: Not Provided


  • @MrC when you're available.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Hi @Victoria1029

    I apologize for the delayed reply.

    Are you able to take a screenshot of the errors you're getting and share it here? I'd want to see the first errors that occur in the command window when you try running the module installer. Be sure no confidential information appears in the screenshot.

    You don't need to, or want to (for security) reasons, run the command shell in Admin mode.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    I'm still if you need assistance...

  • Victoria1029
    Community Member

    @MrC sorry for the delay, wasn't on my computer yesterday. Anyway, this is a screenshot of me attempting to get this running. To start you'll see me struggling with getting it to go through the first command. I kinda get it to where it needs, but that might also be why things aren't installing, idk.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited April 2024


    Ok, I see. Your home folder is stored on OneDrive, in the cloud.

    To make this easier, move the mrc-converter-suite to the root of your C drive. Then, cd into that drive, as in :

    cd C:\mrc-converter-suite

    The try the module installer:


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited April 2024


    Sorry, that's not going to resolve this issue. The problem was that you were running an Admin shell, and it created a folder in your home called ".cpanm". That folder is not writable to you, so the installer cannot unpack the modules there.

    You'll have to delete that folder first, as an admin, and then run the install_modules.bat as a regular user.

  • Victoria1029
    Community Member
    edited April 2024

    @MrC Just tried, still seemed to fail

  • Victoria1029
    Community Member

    oh just read the second message, ok ill do that

  • Victoria1029
    Community Member

    @MrC well... i think i might have screwed myself then... i cant find the folder anywhere lol

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    Windows will hide certain folders / files, and that includes names that start with a period. So you have to either disabling the hiding of these (to be able to use Explorer), or you need to use an Admin shell to use the command line.

    See if this helps:

  • Victoria1029
    Community Member

    @MrC Unfortunately for me, I already checked with hidden files/folders on. I tried searching in file explorer across all my drives with that on and nothing came up with the name ".cpanm"

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    I'm really sorry about the trouble this has caused you. Let me see if I can replicate creating the problem, so that I can provide a sure solution.

    I believe the problem is due to your Desktop folder being on OneDrive, and the command line not being able to find the path due to this redirection. I don't use OneDrive in my Windows accounts, so have to create an account that has this OneDrive redirection active.

    I'll get back to you as quickly as I can. Hold tight...

  • Victoria1029
    Community Member

    Thanks, so sorry for the trouble with this. I do really appreciate the help tho!

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    I've not been able to reproduce the issue you're seeing.

    If you open File Explorer, and go to C:\Users\Victo, do you the .cpanm folder like this:

    If so, are you able to right-click and Delete it?

  • Victoria1029
    Community Member

    @MrC sorry ive been super busy with work the last week-ish. To answer no, the file wasn't there. as far as I can find its nowhere. it just doesn't exist

  • Victoria1029
    Community Member

    so uh good news? I kinda got it working. I just made the .cpanm folder where it wanted and was supposedly able to covert the files.. now I'm just stuck on the actual import part. i found the import option, but I don't see anything for files. jut all the typical options of like csv, or browsers. nothing for .1pux files

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    Wow, great!

    You need the Desktop app to import the the 1PUX. Then, within the import dialog, you'll be able to select 1Password as the password manager. The will be the 1PUX option.

This discussion has been closed.