Unable to autofill into apps on iOS after updating to 1Password 8

Community Member
edited April 30 in iOS

I've just installed 1PW 8 on IOS 17.4.1, I wish I could roll back to 1 PW 7
I've tried logging into 2 apps today, the 1 PW icon no longer appears by the username & password fields of those apps. I have to switch screens to copy these from 1 PW to the
apps in order to login.

Is there any way I can go back to 1PW 7?

Not being able to login to critical sites leaves users stranded.

1Password Version: 8
Extension Version: ??
OS Version: 17.4.1
Browser: N/A


  • ag_tommy


    Have you enabled autofill (1st link)? The settings do not carry over from 1Password 7 to 1Password 8. You'll need to adjust them to your needs. I'd recommend reviewing them all. This is because 1Password 8 was an entirely new application.

    Apps/browser - Use 1Password to fill and save on your iPhone and iPad

    Browser - Get to know 1Password for Safari on your iPhone or iPad

  • cappy
    Community Member

    thanks, will try this

  • Dave_1P


    Let us know if you run into any issues and we'll be here to help further. 🙂


  • cappy
    Community Member

    Thank You!

  • Dave_1P

    It's our pleasure. 🙂


  • cappy
    Community Member

    It seems to be working with the settings that you've recommended.
    I need to remember these, there have been so many times when 1PW just doesn't fill in the fields.
    I didn't know why

  • Dave_1P


    You'll only need to setup AutoFill and 1Password for Safari once on each iPhone and iPad after installing 1Password 8. If you run into any filling issues going forward then let me know the following so that I can help further:

    1. The name of the app where filling isn't working, or the website address.
    2. Which browser you're using if you're having trouble filling into a website.
    3. Which field isn't being filled properly.
