Is it safe to delete AccountExports (8 GB)?

Community Member

My ~/Library/Group Containers/ Support/1Password/AccountExports is 8 GB with a number of ZIP archive files in it. Is it safe to delete this?

I've referenced and the comments there made it sound like there would be some automated cleanup of this directory. Is that true?

Thank you!

1Password Version: 8.10.28
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 12.7.4 (21H1123)
Browser: Arc (Chrome)


  • @sosomario

    Yes, you can remove those as you indicated you are now using 1Password 8. They are no longer created by 1Password 8 and you should not need to clean them in the future. Thats provided you do not use 1Password 7 for some reason. Only 1Password 7 created those.

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