Unlock with Apple Watch not working after replacing watch.

Community Member
edited May 8 in Apple Watch

Unlock with Apple watch was working fine with my Apple Watch 6, but I had to replace the watch after it was damaged.

I now have an Apple Watch 9. It successfully unlocks the Mac and I can use it for other security prompts, but 1Password never lets me unlock with it.

I've taken a look at other posts here and followed the suggested actions, turning off unlock with watch, shutting down the mac, restarting the watch restarting the mac etc, but it has made no difference.

Is 1Password still looking for my old watch or something?

1Password Version: 8.10.30
Extension Version: 2.23.3
OS Version: macOS 14.4.1
Browser: Chrome


  • Kester.D_1P
    edited May 8

    Hi @leewoc - I'm sorry to hear about the trouble that you're having unlocking 1Password for Mac with your new Apple Watch.

    I'd like to ask you to create a diagnostics report from your Mac so that I can take a closer look at what's happening.

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (Mac)

    Attach the diagnostics to an email message addressed to support+forum@1password.com.

    With your email please include:

    • A link to this thread: https://1password.community/discussion/145689/unlock-with-apple-watch-not-working-after-replacing-watch
    • Your forum username: leewoc

    You'll receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant that contains a Support ID number.  Please post that number here and I'll make sure that your message gets to the right team.

  • leewoc
    Community Member

    Thanks @Kester.D_1P my support ticket ID is HUG-71486-567

  • Dave_1P


    I can confirm that your diagnostics report made it to the right team and one of my colleagues will send you a reply via email soon.

    Since we have a communications channel open via email, I'm closing this thread. 🙂


    ref: HUG-71486-567

This discussion has been closed.