"No passkeys available" when signing in Hyatt

This discussion was created from comments split from: 1Password BETA Constant Crash on Android.


  • drekula
    Community Member

    @Dave_1P I was able to re-enable passkey autofill and use password autofill after the update. Unfortunately, passkey autofill is still not working on Android.

  • @drekula

    I'm glad that filling passwords is working again. Is 1Password crashing when you try to sign in to a website or app using a passkey? Or are you running into a different issue?

    I see that you said that you're using a Pixel 7 Pro, can you tell me what website or app you've trying to sign in with a passkey with? And were you able to sign in using a passkey into that website or app on your Android phone before?

    I look forward to hearing from you.


  • drekula
    Community Member
    edited May 8

    @Dave_1P I get the Google pop-up "No passkeys available". I don't recall what failed the other day.

    I just tried Hyatt website in Chrome and it doesn't work. I just tried Amazon app and it does work.

    Is there an easy way to search my vault for accounts with passkeys or are there (common) apps/websites you suggest I try?

  • @drekula

    I'm sorry for the delay in responding. In order to enable the Credential Manager in Chrome on Android, and use passkeys in Chrome, you'll need to set special flags. You can find instructions here: https://1password.community/discussion/comment/711037/#Comment_711037

    Let me know if passkey sign in still doesn't work in Chrome once you've given that a try.

    Is there an easy way to search my vault for accounts with passkeys or are there (common) apps/websites you suggest I try?

    1Password's Watchtower can help you find accounts that support passkeys: Find websites that support passkeys

    I hope that helps. 🙂


  • drekula
    Community Member

    Thanks @Dave_1P. Hyatt now works with passkeys in Chrome on Android.

  • @drekula

    I'm glad that passkeys are working for you now. 🙂
