I don't want to delete the "Exported default" vault, how can I hide it?

Community Member

I just updated from version 7 to 8, everything was fine, but a vault called "Imported default" appeared, for my security I still don't want to delete it, what I want is to hide it, as well as its content, because all the entries seem to me repeated. In version 7, you could select which vault you wanted to see. In version 8, is there a way to select which vaults to see?

1Password Version: 8.10.32
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 12.7.5
Browser: Firefox


  • Dave_1P
    edited May 2024

    Hello @vriosm! 👋

    Thanks for reaching out. I would recommend that you work through the vault and make sure that all of your information is saved in your other vaults and move any items that aren't already in the other vaults. Once you've verified that all of your items are in other vaults then you can delete that vault. Keeping the "Imported default" vault may cause confusion later on if you forget where it come from or what information is stored in it.

    That being said, if you don't want to delete the vault for now, then you can hide it from the apps by using Travel Mode and marking all of your other vaults as "Safe for Travel": Use Travel Mode to remove vaults from your devices when you travel

    I hope that helps!


  • supairish
    Community Member

    @Dave_1P I also just updated from 7 to 8. I'm confused by this new "Imported default" vault. What are we suppose to do with it? Is it just a backup artifact from the migration? Are we expected to go through our thousands of logins and verify they match our prior "Private" vault? That would suck. I don't feel like the Migration messaging did a good job letting us know what to expect or how to proceed. And now when I search for any login I get duplicate results since it's found it 2 vaults now... Any help appreciated, thanks!

  • jon2412
    Community Member

    Hi @Dave_1P

    I've also experienced the same behaviour as mentioned above. I just upgraded Mac 1Password to version 8 (after being prompted to migrate after a software update/restart), and it's created a new "Imported default" vault. There are hundreds of items in this new vault, all with a new tag "From 1Password 7 {datetime}". There are more items in this new vault than my private vault, lots look like duplicates of what is in my private vault.

    When the migration completed, it did say something about shared items not migrating, but I don't use my shared vault (I have a Family account), and no items in my private vault are shared.

    What is the "Imported default" vault, and why do all the items have a "From 1Password" tag? From your support article, it says "Any items that couldn't be imported will be tagged from-1Password 7", but I can see many/all appear to be duplicates of items in my private vault.

    Is there a way for me to see if the entire migration completed successfully? Is there a migration log? I don't want to delete this new vault until I can confirm all items were migrated successfully in my private vault. Currently when I search, I'm getting duplicate entries. In watchtower duplicates, it says I have only 1 duplicate (two '1Password Account Migration' entries from years ago).

    For info, I'm running Ventura 13.2.1


  • @supairish and @jon2412

    I'm sorry that you're running into an issue with duplicate items in an "Imported default" vault. This vault was likely created as a result of a new migration feature in 1Password 8 that is meant to detect and help you migrate any old standalone vaults that you might have on your device. The team is working to finetune this migration feature so that folks aren't prompted to migrate items that they've previously migrated to their 1Password account.

    Since I don't have access to your account information here on the public forum, I recommend that you reach out to our dedicated migration team via email as they'll be in the best position to assist further. Please send an email to support+forum@1Password.com using the email address associated with your 1Password account and include a link to this thread. After emailing in, you'll receive a reply from BitBot, our friendly robot assistant with a Support ID that looks something like [#ABC-12345-678]. Post that here, and I'll be able to locate your message and make sure it's gotten to the right place. 🙂


    ref: dev/core/core#29691

  • jon2412
    Community Member

    Thanks @Dave_1P - my Support ID is RZH-29155-313

  • @jon2412

    Thank you for posting the Support ID, your ticket is with the right team and one of my colleagues will reach out to you soon via email. Please continue the conversation there. 🙂


  • jon2412
    Community Member
    edited June 2024

    Thought I'd drop an update in here for anyone else who experiences a similar issue.

    Before having a Family subscription, I previously had the standalone 1Password product, with the vaults being manually sync'd via wifi. Because that old vault was still on my Mac, the 1Password 8 migration tool tried to pick it up and migrate it, even though I'd already imported this vault when I first moved to a subscription years ago.

    This matches what Dave had suggested happened (above), and here's also a snippet from the support team:

    "Our recent update to the 1Password 8 migration tool within 1Password 8 for Mac picks up standalone data from your standalone data file which was used when you previously used standalone vaults."

    In my situation, I performed some more thorough checks to compare the "Imported default" vault and my private vault, and it looks like the Imported default vault is not required, so I've deleted it.

    Thanks @Dave_1P, and to the support team for their very prompt and helpful assistance.

  • I'm very happy to hear Dave and the team could help you resolve the situation.

This discussion has been closed.