Disable biometrics when logged in via ssh

Community Member
in SSH


Is there a way to disable biometrics when logged into a machine via ssh?
I often ssh into my desktop (a Mac Mini) from my laptop (a MacBook), but whenever I try to use the 1Password cli, it just hangs because it is prompting me for biometrics.

I would like to be able to disable biometrics when I am logged in via ssh.

1Password Version: 8.10.33
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 14.4.1
Browser: Not Provided


  • Michael Mercurio
    Michael Mercurio
    Community Member

    When you ssh into your Mac Mini, how are you using 1Password -- i.e., what kind of activity is prompting 1Password for authorization?

    If you're using ssh after logging into your Mac Mini from your laptop, then SSH Agent Forwarding might help.

  • terecned
    Community Member

    Hey Michael,
    I ssh into my Mac Mini using user/pass. Once I have ssh-ed in, I try and run a git pull in one of my repos, and it just hangs because 1Password is try to prompt me with the UI.
    I have my git repo/Github configured to use the ssh key managed my 1Password

  • Michael Mercurio
    Michael Mercurio
    Community Member

    In that case, I highly recommend you consider switching from authenticating using password for SSH and instead configure your Mac for public key authentication. This will allow you to ssh into your Mac without needing a login password (once your ssh key is unlocked, easy if you're using 1Password for managing your SSH keys). You then forward the ssh agent (with your keys) from your local laptop to your Mac Mini.

    Since you're already using 1Password to manage your SSH key with GitHub, you can also configure your Mac to allow SSH via that same public key (or create a different one if you want to or feel you need to.)

    If you need more info on configuring SSH keys and configuring 1Password's SSH Agent the 1Password docs are here:

    But assumes you already know how to use and configure SSH. If you need more details about that this guide is not bad: