Face ID disappeared

Community Member
edited May 2024 in iOS

I have been 1Password user for mor than ten years and the app has been great so far. I open the app almost every day and for some time and I have opened it by face ID. But yesterday that option had disappeared. My problem is that I suddenly forgot my password.

My question is: is there some reason for 1Password to offer Face ID permanently. I use 1Password by iPhone, iPad and MacBook.

1Password Version: 9
_Extension Version:
Not Provided
OS Version: latest
Browser: Not Provided


  • Dave_1P
    edited May 2024

    Hello @vesans! 👋

    I'm sorry that you're having trouble unlocking 1Password. I understand that you're being prompted to enter your account password rather than being able to use Face ID. Face ID can expire for a variety of reasons and, when that happens, you'll need to enter your account password in order to enable Face ID for 1Password.

    Do you have any devices that are still signed in to your 1Password account? If you do, search for a 1Password Account item, if you see such an item it might contain your account password.

    If that doesn't work, we have an article with some tips for remembering your password:
    If you forgot your password or you can't unlock 1Password

    Let me know if you're still unable to access 1Password after trying these steps.


  • drohr
    Community Member

    I am having the same issue. My son alerted me to an odd text that came from my phone. When I went to open phone and look at a few items I noticed I was being prompted to enter account PW before using my Face ID. I have never seen this. I do know my PW so am not concerned about that. Is it safe for me to do as it says on my phone?

  • kvozel
    Community Member

    Hummmm. I had the same issuer yesterday. Seemed to have magically gone away.

  • Dave_1P
    edited June 2024


    Thank you for reaching out. Face ID can expire for a variety of reasons on iOS/iPadOS and when it does the secret that is used to unlock your 1Password account is cleared from the Secure Enclave. You'll then need to enter your account password into 1Password so that a new secret is saved in the Secure Enclave and the Face ID feature is re-enabled.

    If the screen in your screenshot is from the 1Password for iOS app that you downloaded from the App Store here then it's normal to have to enter your account password from time to time.


    Hummmm. I had the same issuer yesterday. Seemed to have magically gone away.

    I'm glad that you're now able to unlock 1Password. Let me know if you have any other questions.


  • drohr
    Community Member

    It was not me who said they were able to unlock. Going to try now

  • drohr
    Community Member

    I was able to sign back in fine. Thank you

  • That's good news @drohr Thank you for sharing it.

  • @vesans

    While Touch ID or Face ID can be a convenient way to access your data, they were not designed as a replacement for your 1Password password. Your data is encrypted by the password.

    Have you been able to recall your password? If you're using a 1Password account might be able to find it inside 1Password on one of your other devices. We have an article with some tips for remembering your password:

    If you forgot your password or you can't unlock 1Password

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