1password SSH agent issue

Community Member
edited May 2024 in SSH

my 1password ssh agent is not working properly. I have followed all the setup steps but ssh doesn't seem to be able to use the ssh-agent.

  • SSH Agent is enabled and running.
  • SSH_AUTH_SOCK env variable is exported in my .zshrc:
    export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=~/Library/Group\ Containers/2BUA8C4S2C.com.1password/t/agent.sock

  • ~/.ssh/config is set:

Host *
    UseKeychain yes
    IdentitiesOnly yes
    AddKeysToAgent yes
    IdentityAgent "~/Library/Group Containers/2BUA8C4S2C.com.1password/t/agent.sock"

ssh-add -l shows all of my keys listed as expected. but ssh doesn't get a key from the agent. I'm seeing this same behavior on 2 different MacBook Pros.

the relevant bit from the ssh command below seems to be this "agent refused operation":
ssh -vvvT git@github.com

debug3: ssh_get_authentication_socket_path: path '/Users/ammonkc/Library/Group Containers/2BUA8C4S2C.com.1password/t/agent.sock'
debug2: get_agent_identities: ssh_agent_bind_hostkey: agent refused operation
debug1: get_agent_identities: agent returned 5 keys

what am I missing? any help would be appreciated. Thanks

1Password Version: 8.10.33
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 14.5
Browser: Chrome


  • Michael Mercurio
    Michael Mercurio
    Community Member

    As a troubleshooting step, try adding the following to your ~/.ssh/config file above the Host * entry:

    Host github.com
        User git
        UseKeychain no
        AddKeysToAgent no
        ForwardAgent no

    Even if this doesn't fix the issue, it would be preferable to what you have for github.com.

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