More control over SSH key approval settings?

Michael Mercurio
Michael Mercurio
Community Member

I'm really loving 1Password as my SSH Agent of choice.

One improvement I'd like to see is more control over the key approval settings currently found under Settings > Developer > SSH Agent > Security. These settings are apparently globally configured such that they apply to all SSH keys (e.g., "ask for approval for each new application and terminal session" and "remember key approval for 4 hours".)

Ideally, I'd love to be able to customize these settings per vault (or per key!). An example use case for this:

  • SSH keys used with developer systems that are accessed frequently throughout the day
  • SSH keys used with production systems that are accessed infrequently with a higher degree of security

Ideally, I'd like to configure the key approval settings to be stricter for the production systems than the developer systems, even requiring an approval for EVERY KEY ACCESS for production keys. If having custom settings per key is too complicated, then the ability to customize the settings for each vault would still be useful.

This doesn't appear to be possible currently, but would be super useful.

1Password Version: 8.10.34
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 14.5, Ubuntu 22.04
Browser: Not Provided